Assurance Services
- Organizational performance measurements
- Industry-specific financial reporting services
- Audits, Reviews & compilations of financial statements
- Internal controls
- Internal audits
- Due diligence special investigations
Tax Services
- Annual return filings
- Quarterly estimate computations
- Franchise returns and annual reports
- Sales and use tax returns
- Payroll tax returns
- IRS representation
Business Valuations
A business valuation involves arriving at an opinion regarding the estimated value of an ownership interest in a business entity as of a given point in time. There are many reasons for a professional valuation of a business. These include:
- Buying or selling all or a partial interest in an enterprise.
- Corporate or partnership dissolution or re-capitalization.
- Gift, estate, and inheritance taxes.
- Estate planning.
- Divorce.
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs).
- Charitable contributions.
- Buy-sell agreements.
- Mergers.
- Determining damages in the role of litigation support.
- Dissenting stockholder suits.
- Obtaining financing.
Regardless of the your purpose, WSCH will perform the valuation maintaining objectivity and integrity, giving careful consideration to all aspects of an entity which create value. Our work programs are designed to provide a finished valuation that will stand up to any challenge and are controlled by a definitive quality control system. Member – National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts
Litigation Services
- Expert Witness
- Business Interruptions/Loss of Income/Product Liability
- Professional Malpriactice/Personal Injury
- Fraud Detection/Forensic Accounting Service